Love Yourself First — EPISODE 28 of Radically Unstuck with Hana Dhanji — Love Yourself First


with Hana Dhanji, Coping, Radical life shifts, Living in Alignment, Love yourself first

There is a moment in life where to stop and ask yourself if what you are doing with your life is your real calling.

What value do you bring to the world? Love yourself like your life depends on it. School trains you to go to the next level, not to be happy. Don’t wait until you are hospitalized in order to stop and steer into your real direction.

Life happens for you, not to you. Combining different mental techniques you can help a wider range of people switching from one or other. Coz’ different people react to different methods.

Set your goals and reverse engineer them, to know how to get there. Most success coaching students are men. Hoping for women to start getting more and more into coaching in order to have really strong female leaders out there. Give to others what you wish they would give to you.

Life is like a mirror giving back. The little daily changes are the ones that bring the great life changes.

Hana Dhanji had a strong morning ritual filled with exercise, motivation, visualization, prayer…

Serve people. It is the trick to success.

#MentalHealth #Mindset #Entrepreneurship



Radically Unstuck — Bryan Forsythe

Navy veteran who has helped prevent suicide and depression for 100’s of our brave young men.